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GUMGUMGUM X Mr.Men & Little Miss X 富臨集團 Mr. Happy 月餅


有不夠一個月就是中秋節,GUMGUMGUM 仝人先預祝大家中秋節快樂!由七月開始,GUMGUMGUM化身成MR MEN & LITTLE MISS POP UP STORE,跟香 港潮流教父 MICHAEL LAU 和 FASHION WALK 合作舉辦 A WALK IN FASHION 的 MR MEN & LITTLE MISS 特別企劃。至八月尾,這個計劃就要跟大家 SAY BYEBYE!但我們當然不會讓 MR MEN & LITTLE MISS 這個熱潮停下來!今年中秋節,GUMGUMGUM、富臨集團加上 MR MEN & LITTLE MISS會聯手推出 MR HAPPY 迷你奶皇月餅,送禮自用都非常適合。

GUM"JENG!"那邊有我們跟 HYAKU 和 BLACK SESAME 推出 MR MEN & LITTLE MISS 的果汁和 CUPCAKE。而今次為了應節,特別跟富臨集團合作推出限量版 MR.HAPPY 的奶皇月餅。以往的奶皇月餅大家都會想起某幾個品牌,今年 GUMGUMGUM 決定「踩過界」,給大家多個選擇!每個月餅都用上 MR HAPPY 的笑臉樣,非常迎合中秋節一家團圓的喜慶感覺。而且富臨集團所出品的奶皇月餅一向都很受歡迎,所以這次推出的 MR HAPPY 奶皇月餅真是「又睇得又食得」。

由即日起至 8 月 30 日,前往 GUMGUMGUM 訂購 MR.HAPPY 奶皇月餅可享有訂購價優惠$238,9 月 1 日起 GUMGUMGUM 會提供少量現貨,以$298 原價出售!罕有、限量又應節的 MR.HAPPY 迷你奶皇月餅,限量供應 500 盒,作為 MR.MEN&LITTLE MISS 粉絲的你怎可以不買點去送給親朋戚友呢?

Mid-Autumn Festival is on its way, GUMGUMGUM are pleased to wish everyone of you a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! Since July, we continued holding up exhibitions and collaborating with the figure expert Michael Lau and Fashion Walk to establish Mr.Men & Little Miss pop-up store named “A Walk in Fashion”. Now in August, we are regretted to say goodbye to all these. But of course, how can we stop this craze of Mr.Men & Little Miss?

For this family gathered festival, GUMGUMGUM are happy to announce that we will be collaborating with Foo Lum Group, the seafood restaurant chain, to create a limited edition of Mr.Men custard Moon cakes with limited amount of 500 boxes.

We have been collaborating with catering brands such as HYAKU and BLACK SESAME to launch a series of Mr.Men cupcakes and juices. We would like to provide more choices for our customers with Moon cakes that featuring Mr.Men’s smily faces. From now until 30/8, you are welcome to pre-order the moon cakes with the exclusive price of $238 per box.

From 1/9, we will be charging $298 per box. Mr.Men’s lovers, please be noticed that the pre-order offer ends at 24/8 with a first come first serve basis. What are you waiting for? Come now and make orders!

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